Monday, May 12, 2014

Get your art career neuter for free actually for tuiton "warning explict language "

I don't know how I feel about art school anymore. The older I get, the more transparent thing become and my student loans for art school have me questioning was it worth it? Would I still be the bad ass artist I am today, had I not went in dept for other artist to tell me that I'm an artist. I mean I was told that those that can not do art, teach art and I sort of believe that now as I watch my fellow artist let art school cut their balls off and send them out with no confidence in their own work. It's like they spay and neuter artist, and that's what they are there to do, make less competition for themselves, by spreading your legs and snip snip. I mean I can't tell the sun how to shine because the sun shines from the inside out. So how the fuck can I tell someone else as a professor/artist how to create the work that they have inside of them FOR A PRICE. No doubt, I believe there are those inspirational speakers and someone that knows the game can tell you how to make your work better, but at the cost of thousands of dollar in dept. If I was a successful artist AND I AM, I would not be teaching, I mean, one people don't fucking listen, especially artist. Wait did I tell you I hate artist. Fucking artist, every bodies a fucking artist. I'm an artist and I hate it, but I have confidence, balls, dedication, experience, blood, sweat, tears and debt in what I am doing, what I create, and what I have to offer my audience. Everyday someone comes up to me and say's I'm an artist, and I say oh really, what do you do? But what I should start saying is" can you teach me! get on my knees and unzip there pants, then look up with a smile." Like I really give a nut, what they do, but it's important to rub artist egos, they are very sensitive. But back to why I hate art school. They don't teach artist how to have confidence in what they do. Artist will produce no matter what, that's what artist need to understand and get that through that tough meat they refer to as a brain. I mean if I went to school or not I would be still producing artwork. I do now, and I'm out of school and forever will be whether I'm making money or not. So it would be a no brainer to say, since I can't make money off of my art, I should make money off of other artist by placing myself in a position of power, and delay my competition by teaching them the things that helped me fail while I try to get my shit together. I went to a lecture and the shit talking made a very good point. Everything you learn from a professor, in art school, is twenty to thirty years old, because you are learning what your professor's professor taught them. I do feel there is a need for art schools, programs, internships, apprentice, art education, appreciation, inspiration, radiation, emancipation, proclamation. It's not that I'm shitting on the teachers although that was my intent (as an artist), but there needs to be a reevaluation of the tuition structure on an institution that puts out artist that produce work that is judged by it's audience, stuff that is subjectional to who ever looks at it, and the price tag on it is determined by what, and how much someone is willing to pay for it. So I want to open a new school of art, in which I reneut your members and unspay your woohaa. Take the er off of neuter and put it on the front of neut. Let me reestablish your balls, so you too can say, "fuck you, don't buy my art, I know it's good and it's your loose, not mine, plus I can paint another one, what the fuck can you do." One of my favorite rappers said it best " I don't let nobody (double negative) judge me, that don't know how to do what I do, so if you don't like it, well fuck you" Freddie Fox aka Bumpy Knuckles I'll leave you with some inspirational music

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